|  today's schedule  |  info@cnyfsc.com  |  315-638-8866

The Central New York
Family Sports Centre

Syracuse,NY Est. 1996

Party Package

Ideal for: Birthdays, Graduations, Team Parties & Company Parties

Sit back and relax while your child enjoys 120 minutes of running, jumping, smiling and laughing that is thoroughly fun for the entire family. A Sports Centre host will guide your family through a memorable birthday party. We are confident that this will be one party your child will never forget! Call 638-8866 to make your reservations today !


Our fee of just $275 includes: 

  • Maximum of 20 children 
  • 60 minutes of supervised excitement and action on the Indoor Soccer Field
  • 60 minutes in the Jonhoben Room
  • Two large cheese pizzas. ($14.00 per extra pizza, unless special order)
  • Two 2-liter bottles of soda

For parties during October - May

We have a couple of options, because of a limited availability due to indoor leagues and practices

  • We generally have availability during days off from school for break, or half days before our regular activities begin for the afternoon

Check out The Jonhoben Room, 1,800 square foot Event Room

Booking Information

A $50 non refundable deposit is required to hold the reservation. The balance is due on the day of the party. We accept reservations up to 4 months in advance. Unforunately, we can not guarantee that we will be able to schedule your party, due to scheduling constraints of the other sports being played at the Centre. Please call 315-638-8866 and ask one of our staff members to check availablity for specific dates.